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Senin, 31 Januari 2011

10 Profil facebook paling kreatif di dunia (part3)

Berita: Tech and Sains
10 Profil facebook paling kreatif di dunia (part3). Dipagi yang indah ini, faceminang akan berbagi sesuatu dengan Anda semua. Mungkin ada yang belum tau, kok judulnya part3? Hmm.. ada part3, tentu ada part2 dan part1nya. Baiklah sebelum langsung ke part3, silahkan lihat part2 disini, dan part1 disini. Keren-keren pastinya ...

Baiklah dihalaman ini, silahkan lihat "10 Profil facebook paling kreatif di dunia (part3)":

1. Niki Atanasov
10 Profil facebook paling kreatif di dunia (part3)
Atanasov, of Bulgaria, shows how effective a full-bleed profile shot can be.

2. Kibar Al-Uqab
10 Profil facebook paling kreatif di dunia (part3)
Al-Uqab is obviously a big fan of Nikon.

3. Amy Priscilla Kim
10 Profil facebook paling kreatif di dunia (part3)
Kim's profile hints at what Jackson Pollack might have done with a Facebook profile.

4. Paolo Villanueva
10 Profil facebook paling kreatif di dunia (part3)
Villanueva's page explores the outer limits of cuteness.

5. Isaac M. Vicci
10 Profil facebook paling kreatif di dunia (part3)
Watch what you say on Isaac's wall. He's watching.

6. Luke Brown
10 Profil facebook paling kreatif di dunia (part3)
Angry young man Luke Brown appears to be coming through the page.

7. Suzi George
10 Profil facebook paling kreatif di dunia (part3)
George's is one of those profiles that just makes you want to go "awww."

8. Nasir Jumani
10 Profil facebook paling kreatif di dunia (part3)
Jumani, a Pakistani engineer, shows himself doing what we're likely doing when we visit his page.

9. Chris Monroe
10 Profil facebook paling kreatif di dunia (part3)
Professional photographer Monroe uses his profile to strut his stuff.

10. Arto Remes
10 Profil facebook paling kreatif di dunia (part3)
Remes, a Finnish ad exec, offers a somewhat melancholy portrait of himself driving.

Mana nih yang dari temen-temen? Klo ada, beritahu faceminang dalam form komentar dibawah. Ntar kita buat postingan 10 Profil facebook paling kreatif di Indonesia. Oke :)